Below is a list of opportunities to play, watch, and support soccer at all levels in the area. The list is a work in progress; website and contact info will be added when we get it.

DeKalb County United

(Men, U23 Men, U23 Women)

DeKalb County United Academy
Kishwaukee Valley Soccer Club
Northern Illinois Football Club
Colleges: Kiswaukee College (Men/Women)

Northern Illinois Univiersity (Men/Women)

DeKalb Region 193

Sycamore Region 718

Genoa Region 1284

High Schools: DeKalb (Boys/Girls)
Sycamore (Boys/Girls)
Hinkley Big Rock (Boys/Girls)
Indian Creek (Boys/Girls)
Sycamore (Boys/Girls)
Leagues: Dek-Syc Adult league
DeKalb Park District Winter Youth Leagues
DeKalb Park District Winter Leagues
Kishwaukee YMCA Youth leagues
Kishwaukee YMCA Drop in Soccer